05 July 2008

About me…

Firstly, I would like to thank you for visiting my page. I hope that your visit is useful and entertaining. My aim of this blog is to talk about things that interest me and I hope that you too will find them interesting. ;-) If I start off by telling you a bit about me, it might help you to understand my background. Background is important for anyone to find out why a statement is made and how this idea came to one’s mind.

No, I am not a celebrity or anyone with great knowledge in any particular area. I am just an average citizen and I hope exactly that will make my writings more relevant to you.

My name is Dhaya, and I am working as a Communications advisor. I was born in Jaffna (northern peninsula in island of Sri Lanka). My schooling up to my age of 15 was in a private school in Jaffna and then from 16 to 18 I was studying at a College in Wellington, New Zealand. Then I studied to gain a Bachelor of Applied Science (Natural Resource Management) at a New Zealand University and have been working in several different places and also in different areas / roles since then.

If anyone asks me who am I, the first thing that comes to my mind is that I am a Eelam (North and East of the island Sri Lanka) Tamil. And then of course that I am a kiwi (a New Zealander). So most of my interest is based on the fact that I am a Tamil who love my motherland (Eelam) and my adopted country (New Zealand).

The love of my motherland has made me interested in Eelam politics, world politics, issues that are faced by minorities, etc.

The love of Tamil language and culture has made me interested in Tamil cinema, Tamil music, Tamil magazines, etc.

Love of New Zealand has made me interested in environmental issues, sports, traveling, etc.

What am I intending to write about in my blogs? I seriously don’t have an agenda. I will like to talk about anything and everything that comes to my mind. I would say that I will try and keep away from Tamil Eelam issues for the time being, not because that they are low priority, but because I want to start with easy topics. Probably about Tamil movies.

Remember I am writing this for your entertainment and knowledge (?). So I would seriously value your comments and your views about the issues I write about.

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